About The Author
Hi! My name is Rian Andrea. Welcome to The Physique Athlete.
The Physique Athlete was launched with the goal of creating an information hub for first-time competitors that delivers credible tools and vetted resources in one place.
We are genuinely invested in developing a first-time competitor!
Rian has been in the fitness industry twelve years. Along the way, she has earned a personal training certification from NASM and a nutrition certification from Precision Nutrition, both global leaders in the health, fitness, and nutrition industry. After stepping on stage as a competitor in 2018, Rian committed to learning the art and science of bodybuilding.
She is passionate about the mental fortitude, laser focus, and physical strength required to practice the discipline of bodybuilding.
When she isn’t doing something fitness-related, she is playing with daMuppet, her 10lb rescue Chihuahua.
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About The Book
So you’ve decided you want to step on the competitive stage. Perfect! But what happens between now and your awards ceremony with donuts? Oh, that! - not the chicken and rice, not the training split, not the macronutrient ratios, not which rep range you should be working in for optimal muscle growth – but- Where do I start? Do I need a even need a Coach? Which organization should I pick to compete in first? How do I master the quarter turn footwork? Which Division am I training my body for? What can I do now to start practicing my sass and class? How do I behave professionally during tanning, gluing and glazing? I have kids, should I bring them?
The Physique Athlete’s got you completely covered!
Sixteen Weeks is your official study guide.