The Physique Athlete is the voice of
the first-time competitor.
The Physique Athlete helps you transition from an everyday gym athlete to award winning first-time competitor. We offer educational tools and guidance so you can prepare and execute a perfect prep.
We provide books, articles, and athlete interviews. The Physique Athlete is the world's only dedicated space specifically for first-time competitors.
Brand New Competitors
Do your research and start preparing now for your first competition prep.
Take our first-time competitor readiness quiz.
Afterwards, unlock the next step in on your journey: Chapter 27 - How to Pick the Right Coach from the Beginning.

As a first time competitor, you have questions:
What questions should I ask my potential competition Prep Coach?
What kind of mental, emotional, physical and time investment is Prep?
How much money should I start saving right now for both Prep & Show Day?
How do I pick the right Organization to compete in?
Which Division is right for my physical structure?
What items should I start collecting right now to pack in my Show Bag?
Post Prep Blues, are they real?
Sixteen Weeks is your official study guide.
Execute a Perfect Prep
During prep, there will be ups and downs. Some days will be harder than others, and many outside influences can affect your preparation. Keep your goal in mind, visualize it on a daily basis, and stick to the plan! If you’re doing everything right, it will all come together. Start here.